Body Celebration

Therapeutic Massage vs. Traditional Massage: Which Wins?

Therapeutic Massage vs. Traditional Massage

Picture this: It’s Friday evening, and after a long week of working, commuting, and juggling life’s many responsibilities, you finally have some “me time.” You’ve decided to treat yourself to a massage, but as you scroll through the options, you find yourself at a crossroads—should you go for a therapeutic massage vs. traditional massage? If … Read more

Holistic Skincare for Aging Gracefully: Tips from Corinna

Holistic Skincare for Aging

As we gracefully age, our skin undergoes changes that reflect our life journey. To navigate these changes with confidence and maintain healthy, vibrant skin, holistic skincare for aging becomes essential. Licensed Holistic Esthetician Corinna Joy Kavanagh, owner of Body Celebration Holistic Skincare & Wellness in San Rafael, emphasizes the importance of adapting skincare routines to … Read more

Microneedling vs. Microchanneling: Why Microchanneling Wins

Microneedling vs. Microchanneling

Hello, skincare aficionados! 🌟 Have you ever found yourself overwhelmed by the multitude of skincare treatments available today? It’s like choosing between two equally amazing desserts – tough, right? One such conundrum is the choice between microneedling vs. microchanneling. Both have their loyal fans, but let’s explore why microchanneling is quickly becoming the preferred option … Read more

My heart has a Mind of it’s own!

I hope you enjoyed your summer! I just got back from a much-needed get-a-way to beautiful Lake Tahoe. My time out in nature in the fresh air, peace, and quiet gave me time to reflect and reset. Thank you, Rochelle, for holding down the fort so I could truly let go. You’ve heard the saying, … Read more

4 Tips for Spring Cleaning Your Skin

self care and holistic wellness

Spring is springing…the air is getting warmer, flowers are blooming and It’s a great time to clean out our drawers, clear out our homes, de-clutter, reorganize… and the same goes for our skin. Our skin has been under more artificial light than it sees at the other times of the year, and we have been … Read more

What are the Skin Games?

In 2017, Body Celebration’s founder, Corinna Joy Kavanagh participated in The Skin Games competition in the Bay Area. This competition is a rigorous challenge in which estheticians are assessed by a panel of judges and skin care experts from around the globe. The estheticians who participate must show the judges they are able to produce … Read more